
1. Remove the Insert

  • Bildtitel

    Start with the WatchPillar without the glass dome.

  • Bildtitel

    Make sure to apply a safe grip to secure the Insert once it gets loose.

  • Bildtitel

    Now turn the assembly to access the central screw. Remain a safe grip with one hand. Mind the correct sense of rotation as the screw could damage the Insert's wood (Do not judge simply depending on the resistance feel as the screw will rotate both ways quite easily)

  • Bildtitel

    Once fully unscrewed, remove the screw with one hand, while keeping a safe grip with the other. Attention, the Insert is now loose and only held in place by the dowel pins.

  • Bildtitel

    Turn the assembly around. Now you can lift the Insert and remove it from its seat inside the Main Plate.

  • Bildtitel

    The Insert now serves as its own 'Main Plate' forming the 'Compact Version' because it is equipped with the same custom-made rubber pads as the bigger Main Plate.


2. Use it in the compact version

Or re-assemble it to the 'Pointy Corner' version.

3. Assemble the Insert in two possible orientations

  • Bildtitel

    Notice the dowel pins are fixed in the Main Plate and thus provide a precise alignement.

  • Bildtitel

    Now at the underside of the Insert, the shown hole and its opposite sibling code for the standard orientation of the Insert inside the Main Plate.

  • Bildtitel

    Gently align the holes shown before with the dowel pins in the Main Plate. When aligned the Insert will slide into the Main Plate with no or light force.

  • Bildtitel

    The alternate set of holes on the Insert underside shown here code for the 'Pointy Corner' version with a 45° rotation compared to the standard orientation.

  • Bildtitel

    If these holes shown before are aligned with the dowel pins in the Main Plate, the result will be as shown. Press gently.

  • Bildtitel

    As soon as you have decided for a preferred orientation and the Insert is pre-mounted, apply a safe grip with one hand, turn around, insert the screw and tighten it with your other hand as shown. Please be careful and do not apply too much force as the screw can be driven too far quite easily into the wood. A gentle fixation is enough!

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